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West Campus Transportation

We offer our families transportation options to fit a variety of situations and needs.

The Brentwood School community works together to uphold our Conditional Use Permit with the City of Los Angeles and the agreement with our Brentwood neighbors. Every family's cooperation is essential. Traffic is strictly limited during peak hours for drop-off and pick-up, but we offer numerous transportation options to fit your family’s needs. Following our guidelines is an obligation to our neighbors, and also helps the environment.

Every family must create a transportation plan and follow it. Families must do one or more of the following: 

  • sign up for a bus or shuttle and use it (PREFERRED)

  • carpool with no fewer than two students 

  • arrive prior to 7:30 a.m. if carpool is incomplete

  • have students walk or bike to school

Cars must follow designated route and keep moving. NO neighborhood parking, idling, or drop off/pick up allowed.

Transportation Options

Quick Links


Please contact our
Transportation Team,
or at (310) 899-2705.