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In a warm library, two boys crouch next to a curved reading circle couch sharing a book

Nurturing intellect and imagination involves getting the right set of tools into the hands of our students.

Once they have the resources, students learn the skills to use them critically and ethically. Our libraries are a gateway to great literature and research, providing opportunities for the Brentwood School community to see the world through a variety of lenses. In addition to recommending good books to read, our librarians teach information literacy and research skills, which are integrated into the curriculum. Given the impact of technology on libraries, they regularly evaluate and update students' lessons to incorporate new ways of accessing, organizing, and using information.


Our Library Team

Elisabeth Abarbanel

Elisabeth Abarbanel

Director of Library & Research, Upper School
Jessica James

Jessica James

Director of Library & Research, Middle School
Dana LaPar

Dana LaPar

Director of Library & Research, Lower School
Natalie Hawthorne

Natalie Hawthorne

Library Administrative Assistant, Upper School
Carrie James

Carrie James

Library Administrative Assistant, Middle School
Caitlin Pilla

Caitlin Pilla

Class of 2000
Library Administrative Assistant, Lower School
Hannah Ticheli

Hannah Ticheli

Science Lab & Library Assistant, Upper School