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Service Learning

A group of students led by their teacher surround trays of food as they prepare to serve a meal to Veterans

From their first days on campus, Brentwood students learn that they have a responsibility to extend our open and welcoming community outward.

Service Learning opportunities are integrated into the Brentwood School experience, taking students beyond the bounds of campus to explore new perspectives. We educate students to be active and responsible citizens in their communities so they recognize the dignity of all people, appreciate human diversity with understanding, and grasp the need for social justice.

Why Service Learning is Magic

The first field trip our kindergarteners ever take, just weeks after starting at Brentwood School, very intentionally is to a local family shelter. At the shelter, our youngest students begin to understand the nuanced experience of being unhoused in Los Angeles. They pack after-school snacks for the children who live there, and discuss what it means to be a member of a community and why we have a responsibility to care for our neighbors. This sets the tone for six years of service learning trips, when our students board buses, commute to different parts of our city, and immerse themselves in the selfless act of helping.  

Is this community service? Not exactly. Our Lower School Service Learning Director explains why

Our Service Learning Team

Whitney Abramo

Whitney Abramo

Director of Service Learning, Lower School
Margarita Lara

Margarita Lara

Director of Summer Programs and Middle School Service Learning
Becca Marcus

Becca Marcus

Service Learning Coordinator, Upper School