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Sculpture by 6th grader Kate A.

Middle School Visual Arts

Middle School arts courses offer new opportunities for students to engage more deeply in the creative process. Students develop their artistic and creative selves by choosing from among many visual arts offerings. Entry level courses provide the chance to try something new, while advanced levels of study sharpen a student's skill with new and interesting projects.

Developing Young Artists

The difference instruction can make! Our Middle School art teachers ask students to draw a self-portrait before they learn drawing techniques so they can compare their work after the assignment is complete.



Course Offerings

Sixth graders rotate quarterly through classes in coding, visual art, oratory arts, and innovation. Then in 7th and 8th grades, students will choose at least two semesters of the arts, one visual and one performing, in their preferred areas of interest.

Course offerings for 7th and 8th grade include Art, Digital Art, Filmmaking, Mixed Media Studio, Sculpture, Stagecraft, Studio Art, and Yearbook. Read more about each class in our Course Catalog.

Portraits in Progress

Students select a photo of a friend or personal hero, cut away half of the image, and chart their progress as they draw the missing half.

A gif of a student drawing of a baseball player shows progress from start to finish.

Dillon P. — 8th grade

Grace S. — 8th grade

Peyton J. — 8th grade

A gif of a student drawing of a baseball player shows progress from start to finish.

JJ F. — 7th grade

Middle School Art Show

Every Fall, the first floor of our Middle School building — commonly known as the Arts District — hosts a gallery of student work.