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Middle School

Middle School students are ready to focus more purposefully on problem-solving. They learn how to manage a project from A to Z, from concept and research to presentation and implementation.Through project-based learning, BCIL collaborators help Middle Schoolers develop research skills and understand how to use technology effectively. Students explore fabrication techniques and design thinking concepts, and the Probability Carnival and the Energy Symposium are among the key events that provide showcases for their growing abilities.

Energy Symposium

This anticipated event provides Middle Schoolers with lessons in both sustainability and globalism, while sharpening their scientific research skills.  Students  study the historic development, current status, and future prospects of various countries’ energy sources, then present their findings to a panel of judges.

Featured Project: Probability Carnival

A Winning Collaboration at the Probability Carnival
by Meredith Storrs, Assistant Director of Communications

The Middle School Field buzzed with energy as Brentwood hosted a vibrant Probability Carnival for students in kindergarten through 2nd grade from Para Los Niños at Gratts Primary Center, one of our close community partners and a nonprofit that provides early education and support services to families in need. At this multi-divisional effort, guests enjoyed a pizza lunch, played myriad games and activities, won colorful prizes, and learned about probability.

The centerpiece of this annual event is the carnival games, which 7th grade Advanced Pre-Algebra classes spent over a month planning, fabricating, and testing in the BCIL Hub. “Some of their projects were based on real carnival games,” explained Math Teacher Andrew Davis, “and others invented ideas that seemed fun to them.”

Read More about A Winning Collaboration at the Probability Carnival