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Speaker Series

Through the BCIL Speaker Series, students learn from professionals in an interactive format and engage with real world challenges and solutions.

This program, envisioned and manifested by our students, offers one-of-a-kind access to relatable professionals making their original and creative mark in a variety of fields. The intimate setting provides opportunities for thoughtful Q&A and project challenges, where Middle and Upper School students collaborate, brainstorm, and get feedback in real time.
"Through our Speaker Series discussion on gentrification and the importance of investing and having pride in communities, we as students had the chance to consider realities of the Californian experience many of us are not confronted with. Ms. Morgan and Mr. Miller were inspiring and genuine examples of the power of brave thinking and societal awareness." — Paula S. '21

previous speakers include: 

Todd Maron '96, former General Counsel of Tesla
Ryan Fujiu, Vice President of Product and Compliance at Bird
Theodore Miller '95, former Director of HOPE SF in the Office of the San Francisco Mayor 
Raven Morgan '14, Intern with Senator Kamala Harris
Kendra Singer, Teen Talk
Em Beihold, Singer/Songwriter
Rochelle Webb, Founder of Optimist Made
Dr. Shawna Pandya, Astrophysicist