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Our goal is to reach 100% giving participation because the vibrant and inspiring Brentwood School experience we value is dependent upon more than tuition dollars alone.The dedication of our school community through volunteerism and philanthropy helps to sustain the Brentwood School we all love. We count on each and every family to help us shape a future with meaning by supporting the school.

Brentwood Annual Fund

Annual giving is the school’s top philanthropic priority because its proceeds fund almost 10% of the current year’s operating budget. Every student benefits immediately from the generosity of your annual fund contribution. We appreciate personally meaningful and generous gifts from our families each year. Learn more

Parents Association

The PA shapes our community by supporting programs and events to deepen your connection to the school. The PA offers extensive volunteer opportunities for everyone in the community. Whether you have just an hour of time to spare or are able to commit to a year-long position, the PA would love your help! Learn more

Capital Campaign

Different from the Brentwood Fund, which supports each year’s operating budget, capital campaigns bring to life the long-term vision of the school. Capital campaigns are fundraising efforts to pay for capital projects that create substantial, extraordinary physical improvements to the school or strengthen its endowment. Learn more

Everything you will grow to love about this community is made possible through our families' willing engagement in the life of the school through their generous contributions of time, resources, and open communication. We hope you will join us.

As an independent, 501(c)(3), not-for-profit organization, we depend on the partnership of everyone in our community to help provide the vital components that allow us to effectively deliver our mission to our students—excellent academic, athletic, and artistic programs, dedicated and intellectually curious teachers, appropriate facilities, and a diverse and interesting peer group.

View the 2023-24 Report on Philanthropy
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