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Brentwood Annual Fund

Brentwood Annual Fund

A gift to the Brentwood Annual Fund represents your dedication to the student experience and helps to make every day at Brentwood School extraordinary. The success of the Brentwood Annual Fund is a collective effort that helps to bring the vision and mission of our school to life.

Our Goal

Like tuition, the amount we need to raise increases every year. This year, our Brentwood Annual Fund goal is $4.2 million and 100% family participation by the end of the fiscal year, June 30, 2025.

Your Gift at Work

By making a donation to the Brentwood Annual Fund, you directly enhance key aspects of our school—faculty salaries, professional development opportunities, new curriculum initiatives, financial support, robust student programs, arts and athletics, extracurricular activities and clubs, and more. Gifts to the Brentwood Annual Fund also support excellent preparation for college and beyond, valuable experiences in leadership and service, and help to build a phenomenal alumni network that connects generations of Eagles to each other and a range of exceptional opportunities.

Help us Reach 100% Participation

The Brentwood Annual Fund is the school’s top philanthropic priority because its proceeds fund almost 10% of the current year’s operating budget. Every student benefits immediately from the generosity of your annual fund contribution. We appreciate personally meaningful and generous gifts from our families each year.

Make a gift

Make a pledge

Levels of Support

A gift should be made in an amount that is meaningful and generous for your family. A gift—no matter the size—makes an immediate and lasting impact on the student experience.

Legacy Leadership
$75,000 and Up

Founders Circle

Head of School Circle 

Leadership Circle*



Honor Roll

Up to $1,499

*Donors at the Leadership Circle and above will be invited to a special appreciation event.

**Donors at the Partners level and above will be invited to the Brentwood Annual Fund Launch Party.

Gifts are acknowledged in the electronic Report on Philanthropy by giving level.