Our Equity and Inclusion Goals
Some institutional goals focused on equity and inclusion are complete and others remain a work in progress. When the first full-time Director of Equity and Inclusion was hired in 2016 — an early goal — it was the only E&I administrative position. Today, three full-time employees and ten Lower, Middle, and Upper School liaisons work in E&I.
Other goals have established the board’s DEI Committee, diversified the curriculum, created the student Multicultural Center, expanded affinity groups, provided learning opportunities for parents and guardians, and developed a tool for students to report experiences that may be bias-motivated.
Brentwood recently added antisemitism alongside anti-racism, sexism, homophobia, and bigotry in all its forms to institutional goals around curriculum, professional development, leadership training, and parent education. The school has offered programming for the school leadership, students, families, faculty, and staff to address increasing antisemitism in the world.
Institutional goals like these, and several others, are still in progress — and may always be. We will never stop fostering conversations on identity and social justice, particularly through Middle and Upper School advisories and the Lower School Community of Caring. We remain committed to attracting and retaining a diverse workforce, and we continue to stress employees’ training and accountability and provide professional development. Our E&I training for trustees and senior leadership is ongoing, with the Perception Institute. And we are in the midst of analyzing student academic and behavioral outcomes for inconsistencies.