Guest Lecture Series
The John Hutson Memorial Guest Lecture Series was established in the fall of 1996 in conjunction with Brentwood School's 25th Anniversary.The series presents speakers each year, providing unique opportunities for Brentwood School students, parents, faculty, alumni, and community members to engage with highly notable, world-renowned authorities in literature, journalism, science, the arts, history, philosophy, and politics. These scholar visits are one of the ways Brentwood School promotes personal and intellectual growth for all members of our community.
Who was John Hutson?
John Hutson was one of Brentwood School's first faculty members. The History and Political Science Chair, Hutson was a passionate historian and beloved teacher.
Past Lecturers
Doris Kearns Goodwin
Frank McCourt
Jeanne Kirkpatrick
Edward Albee
Leah Rabin
Kurt Vonnegut
Amy Tan
Leon Panetta
Joyce Carol Oates
William Styron
Tony Kushner
Edward O. Wilson
Stephen Carter
Alice Walker
Alice Sebold
Eric Schlosser
Margaret Atwood
Jhumpa Lahiri
Daniel Pink
Lisa See
Ray Kurzweil
Ira Glass
Malcolm Gladwell
Khaled Hosseini
Gloria Steinem
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
Erik Larson
Amor Towles