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Parents and Families

Brentwood School is more than a location where students learn, it is a community of families who all grow in character together.Parent involvement is essential to our vibrant school experience. As a school, we see ourselves as partners with parents and guardians in educating young minds. Ours is a community of actively involved families, whether serving as admissions tour guides, participating in affinity groups, volunteering in the classroom, and more.

Parents Association

The Parents Association (PA) offers activities and volunteer opportunities that enhance our sense of community at Brentwood School. Every parent and guardian of a Brentwood School student is automatically a member of the Parents Association. Together parents collaborate to strengthen their connection to one another and to the school. Our shared purpose is to build personal connections, serve as a community ambassadors, contribute valuable resources, and support and sustain Brentwood School, present and future.

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Lower School Grandparents and Special Friends Days

Every spring, the West Campus opens its doors to friends of Brentwood School for a fun-filled week of performances and classroom activities. 

After a lovely breakfast reception, grandparents and special friends enjoy a taste of the daily life of our Lower School students.