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Veteran Education

We are educators, and we recognize the power of education to provide skills, knowledge, and dignity. 

The VCRE (Veterans Center for Recreation and Education) at Brentwood School provides the following classes free to Veterans, taught primarily by the school's experienced faculty, staff, and coaches.

  • Cooking at the Domiciliary and Building 209
  • Computer/technology skills at the Domiciliary
  • Job preparation and career development with the Veteran Vocational Rehabilitation program at Building 257
  • Reading and literacy instruction at Building 209
  • Financial literacy at the Domiciliary
  • Guard Card certification classes at Building 210
  • Yoga at the Domiciliary
  • Guitar and music at Brentwood School
  • Creative writing at the Domiciliary
  • Screenwriting at the Domiciliary
  • Art at CTRS, New Directions, and Home for Heroes 

Coming soon...

  • Food handling certification classes at Fisher House

Career Development

In the VCRE career development class, Veterans received clothing suitable for job interviews and learned how to build a resume, apply for positions, and answer employers' questions.

How did we choose the classes? By listening to Veterans. They told us where they wanted support and training.

Want to suggest or take a class? Please contact Brentwood School’s Director of Veteran Education, Dr. Susie Lyons, at